5. when you say Please, help. or Kor rong la ka/krap
Who you need to do a Wai
1. an older person
2. a person in higher social rank comparing to yourself*
3. a person/a place/a statue that you want to show respect to
Who you don't wai:
1. a younger person
2. a person in lower social rank comparing to yourself*
* It's up to how much you want to show respect to that person. For example, If a person is younger than you but she is your boss, it is appropriate to Wai a boss who is younger than you. On the other hand, if your employee is older than you, it is acceptable for a younger boss not to greet an older employee with a Wai.
When someone do a Wai to you, you should do a Wai back to that person.
Let's watch the videos of how Thais greet with a WAI.
A woman always uses a polite final particle: Ka either speaking to a man or a woman.
A man always uses a polite final particle: Krap either speaking to a man or a woman.
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